The British Invasion

By the end of 1962, what would become the British rock scene had started with beat groups like The Beatles, Gerry & The Pacemakers and The Searchers from Liverpool and Freddie and the Dreamers, Herman's Hermits and The Hollies from Manchester. They drew on a wide range of American influences including soul, rhythm and blues and surf music, initially reinterpreting standard American tunes and playing for dancers. Bands like The Animals from Newcastle and Them from Belfast, and particularly those from London like The Rolling Stones and The Yardbirds, were much more directly influenced by rhythm and blues and later blues music. Soon these groups were composing their own material, combining US forms of music and infusing it with a high energy beat. Beat bands tended towards "bouncy, irresistible melodies", while early British rhythm and blues acts tended towards less sexually innocent, more aggressive songs, often adopting an anti-establishment stance. There was, however, particularly in the early stages, considerable musical crossover between the two tendencies. By 1963, led by the Beatles, beat groups had begun to achieve national success in Britain, soon to be followed into the charts by the more rhythm and blues focused acts.

In 1964 the Beatles achieved a breakthrough to mainstream popularity in the United States. "I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the band's first number 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100, spending 7 weeks at the top and a total of 15 weeks on the chart. Their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Showon 9 February, drawing an estimated 73 million viewers (at the time a record for an American television program) often is considered a milestone in American pop culture. The Beatles went on to become the biggest selling rock band of all time and they were followed into the US charts by numerous British bands. During the next two years British acts dominated their own and the US charts with Peter and Gordon, The Animals,Manfred Mann, Petula Clark, Freddie and the Dreamers, Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, Herman's Hermits, The Rolling Stones, The Troggs, and Donovan all having one or more number 1 singles. Other major acts that were part of the invasion included The Kinks and The Dave Clark Five.

The British Invasion helped internationalize the production of rock and roll, opening the door for subsequent British (and Irish) performers to achieve international success. In America it arguably spelled the end of instrumental surf music, vocal girl groups and (for a time) the teen idols, that had dominated the American charts in the late 1950s and '60s. It dented the careers of established R&B acts like Fats Domino and Chubby Checker and even temporarily derailed the chart success of surviving rock and roll acts, including Elvis. The British Invasion also played a major part in the rise of a distinct genre of rock music, and cemented the primacy of the rock group, based on guitars and drums and producing their own material as singer-songwriters.


Pada akhir tahun 1962, yang menjadi adegan rock Inggris sudah mulai mengalahkan kelompok-kelompok seperti The Beatles, Gerry & The Alat pacu jantung dan pencari dari Liverpool dan Freddie dan Pemimpi, pertapa Herman dan The Manchester Hollies. Berdasarkan berbagai pengaruh Amerika termasuk jiwa, rhythm and blues dan musik surfing, awalnya menafsirkan lagu standar Amerika dan bermain untuk penari. Band-band seperti The Animals di Newcastle dan Belfast mereka dan terutama yang di London sebagai The Rolling Stones dan The Yardbirds, jauh lebih langsung dipengaruhi oleh ritme dan blues dan musik blues nanti.Segera kelompok-kelompok ini sedang menulis bahan mereka sendiri, menggabungkan mengalahkan kita kembali bentuk musik dan energi tinggi. Band cenderung untuk mengalahkan "melenting, melodi tak tertahankan," sedangkan tindakan pertama dari ritme Inggris dan lagu-lagu blues cenderung kurang bersalah seksual, lebih agresif, sering mengambil sikap melawan sistem. Ada, bagaimanapun, terutama pada tahap awal, lintas musik yang cukup antara dua tren. Pada tahun 1963, dipimpin oleh The Beatles, kelompok tekan mulai mencapai keberhasilan nasional di Inggris, segera akan diikuti dalam grafik untuk ritme lebih terfokus dan bertindak blues.

Pada tahun 1964, The Beatles mencapai terobosan untuk popularitas mainstream di Amerika. "Saya Ingin Tahan tangan Anda" adalah pertama No 1 di Billboard Hot 100, 7 minggu di bagian atas dan total 15 minggu di bagian atas band. penampilan pertamanya di Ed Sullivan Showon 9 Februari gambar sekitar 73 juta pemirsa (catatan waktu untuk program televisi Amerika) sering dianggap sebagai tonggak dalam budaya pop Amerika. The Beatles kemudian menjadi band rock penjualan terbesar sepanjang masa dan di tangga lagu AS diikuti oleh band-band Inggris banyak. Selama dua tahun berikutnya tindakan Inggris didominasi grafik mereka sendiri dan US dengan Peter Gordon, The Animals, Manfred Mann, Petula Clark, Freddie dan Pemimpi, Wayne Fontana dan Mindbenders, pertapa Herman, The Rolling Stones, The Troggs dan Donovan semua memiliki satu atau lebih Nomor 1 single. tindakan utama lainnya yang merupakan bagian dari invasi termasuk The Kinks dan The Dave Clark Five.

The British Invasion membantu untuk menginternasionalkan produksi rock and roll, membuka pintu bagi seniman Inggris (dan Irlandia) setelah mencapai keberhasilan internasional. Di Amerika Serikat telah menulis mungkin akhir surfing musik instrumental, kelompok vokal cewek (untuk satu) berhala remaja, yang telah mendominasi tangga lagu AS pada 1950-an dan 60-an. Races telah sobek R & B bertindak seperti Fats Domino menetapkan dan Chubby Checker dan bahkan sementara tergelincir keberhasilan tindakan hidup rock and roll, termasuk Elvis. Invasi Inggris juga memainkan peranan penting dalam munculnya genre yang berbeda dari musik rock dan konsolidasi keunggulan dari band rock, berdasarkan gitar dan drum dan menghasilkan materi mereka sendiri sebagai penulis lagu.

From Wikipedia

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